New Treatment for Degenerative Arthritis of the Knee

Exciting new developments have occurred that have expanded our ability to medically treat degenerative arthritis of the knee and, hopefully, avoid surgery.

As you all know degenerative arthritis (also known as osteoarthritis) occurs when the smooth, glistening articular cartilage on the surface of the bones wears down and the underlying bone is exposed. The best analogy is when a tire tread wears down on a car and the rim is exposed. Bone on bone contact causes pain, locking and swelling of the knee.

The new treatment is an injection of Platelet Rich Plasma into the knee. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) derives from our own blood which is drawn in the office. The blood is processed in the office to concentrate the platelets and growth factors to enhance cartilage repair. PRP acts to stimulate endogenous hyaluronan production which is the natural lubricate of the knee. PRP also decreases cartilage catabolism (breakdown). PRP also suppresses the inflammation of the knee.

This is an exciting new treatment option in patients with degenerative arthritis of the knee.

Please call us if you are having knee pain and we will keep your knees running!

Keep moving!

Dr. Domenick Sisto