“Breakthrough” – We’ve Been Doing for 5 Years

LA_knee_surgeryThere has been an explosion of radio, televsion and newspaper advertisements announcing a “breakthrough” in non-operative treatment of the knee. These centers claim that they are offering a “new, innovative treatment” for knee arthritis which is NOT available at other doctors offices.
This is obviously false advertising and the Knee Centers should be ashamed of themselves.
All they are offering is a routine treatment which we have been routinely performing at the LOS ANGELES ORTHOPAEDIC INSTITUTE for the past FIVE YEARS.
We have been injecting a high molecular weight Hyaluronan into the knee to “oil” the joint and replace the natural lubrication which is missing in patients with degenerative arthritis. We use either ORTHOVISC or SUPARTZ which are both FDA-approved, non-drug therapy made from ultra-pure hyaluronan. It restores the natural joint fluid (hyaluronan) that cushions, protects and lubricates your knee joint. With better cushioning, your knee can move and function better.
Hyaluronon injections are indicated for patients with mild, moderate and severe degenerative arthritis.
At the Los Angeles Orthopaedic Insititute we have injected thousands of knees with many repeat patients who have been able to return to most if not all of their prior activites WITHOUT SURGERY!
Please call us if you have been told that you have degenerative or osteoarthritis of the knee and have been told you may need surgery. We can determine the BEST treatment for you and, hopefully, begin a series of Hyaluronan injections and start you moving your knees as soon as possible.
Keep Moving!

Dr. Sist0